Friday, September 25, 2009

Police Blotter

The Capitol Hill Seattle (CHS) blog’s recent police blotter has, among
other reports, a lead story about an attempted car theft going awry and the alleged perpetrator being hauled off to the hoosegow. Exactly the kind of crime story one might wish to read, and you can do so here.

While I know that the Police Blotter I used to provide on this blog was one of the favorite things of many readers, I quickly discovered that there just isn’t enough time in a normal day to do justice to the posting, which entails going to the East Precinct every few days, downloading multiple discs to a personal computer, and culling through all of the City’s police reports in order to find those incidents that actually took place in our own East Precinct. And that’s what has to happen before one even begins to write a synopsis of what’s contained in those redacted and often ungrammatical police missives. So I am happy to recommend CHS’s efforts to those who want to know what’s been happening in the precinct.

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